More clubhouse quotes after a win over Seattle

Here are more comments from the O's clubhouse after tonight's 5-2 win over the Mariners. Here are some quotes from winning pitcher Brad Bergesen and Luke Scott, who had a double and homer. Bergesen on his good outing: "Tonight felt good, all the pitches felt comfortable and the defense played great behind me. As a starting pitcher you always want to stay in the game but it was the right call to bring the bullpen in. The sinker is my best pitch and I felt comfortable throwing it tonight." When you went back to the minors was it about mechanics or did you work on other things too?: "My mechanics were off a bit but a lot of it was mental too. Somewhere along the lines from coming back from the arm injury I think I picked up a bad habit somewhere. That break helped me to re-find myself." Can going back to Norfolk help Nolan Reimold also?: "There is no question. Nolan is such a good player and such a big part of this organization. Hopefully he doesn't get down on himself and uses this time to get better. I think he'll figure it out down there quickly." Scott on his two-hit day: "It's huge. Imagine walking through the desert for many days, then having a nice cool drink of water. It feels really good and I'm very thankful for it." Dave Trembley said that with Nolan Reimold going back to the minors, maybe it helped take the edge off in the clubhouse. Do you agree?: "No. My heart goes out to him, I'm going through the same thing. I've been in his shoes before, being sent back to Triple-A. My prayers are with him to keep him strong and get confidence and be up here again as soon as possible." Is your swing feeling better now?: "I feel much better about my swing. I've been working hard with the Crow for the last ten days. It started in New York, we started taking extra batting practice and looking at film together. "Getting to where I need to flatten out my swing a bit. Get into a little rhythm and keep things simple and hit down on the ball. I was trying to lift everything earlier it was causing a lot of problems. That's where my focus is now mechanically."
More notes from Wednesday's win and today's pitche...
Wigginton: "I should be good to go tomorrow."

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