Orioles 5, Mariners 2

One of the first things I noticed upon arriving at the ballpark today was the Orioles taking early batting practice. Look for that trend to continue. "We're probably going to continue having early hitting every day until we get everybody where they should be," manager Dave Trembley said. "It seemed like guys were a little more relaxed tonight. (Nolan) Reimold got sent out, so that takes some of it off some of the other guys who I think have been scuffling."
Dave Trembley talks with the media after the O's 5-2 win over the Mariners

Ty Wigginton's right hand was wrapped after the game. It started to swell after being hit by a throw in the second inning, but he told Trembley that he'll play tomorrow. "He lost a lot of feeling in his hand," Trembley said. "He got hit more on the wrist, I guess, and it was swelling up and this and that. But I was going to take him out anyway to get (Julio) Lugo in the game. "I just asked Wigginton if he will be OK for tomorrow and he said he will be, but he's got it wrapped. It's pretty sore for him." Trembley had nothing but praise for Brad Bergesen, who turned in his longest outing since July 1, 2009 vs. Boston. "I hope Bergesen keeps pitching like that because I thought the last time he pitched was the best I've seen him, but I have to take it back. Tonight was better," Trembley said. "He had better sink, excellent poise and he pitched a heck of a game. Much needed, for him and for us. Really was in command of the game." Here's the mechanical difference since he returned from Triple-A Norfolk: "He's not underneath the ball hardly at all," Trembley said. "Every once in a while, to a left-handed hitter, you'll see it leak on the arm side, but more times than not you don't see any of that. You don't see him underneath hardly any pitches at all. He's stayed away for the most part from throwing a lot of breaking pitches. "The last time we played the Mariners, I had to tell him that he was going out. That wasn't one of the more pleasant things you have to do and it was an emotional night. He didn't pitch very well there. And for him to come back like he did tonight against that club and pitch the way he did, I think we'd all have to agree it's just another reason why you love Bergesen. His makeup is so tough. He's such a strong kid. He doesn't let anything get him down and he tells you, 'Hey, I'm going to be OK.' "I remember talking to him that night and he said, 'I know this is the best thing for me. I need to do it. I'm going to go down there and get things worked out.' It's good for him. You see the way the team plays behind him. The team's really receptive behind him."
Wigginton: "I should be good to go tomorrow."
Go West, old umpire (w/game update)

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