A few more questions for O's fans

At this strange time in baseball and throughout the country really, it is nice to have normal things in our lives. I'd like to think this blog is one. It represents someplace we can go to discuss baseball.

Baseball talk is understandably taking a back seat now, but there is still room and hopefully time to discuss the game and the players and get away from the world for a few minutes.

One day, hopefully soon, all will be well and normal again. And baseball will become something important again and something we love to watch, observe, attend and discuss.

So here's a short entry today to ask you a few questions and make a request or two if you're up for providing a place to read about baseball.

Everything feels a little strange the last few weeks, but it still feels normal and even fun to come here and read the opinions and thoughts of Birdland.

So on with a few questions and requests:

Means-Winds-White-ST-sidebar.jpg* What would be your Orioles starting five if the season started today?

* Who would be your leadoff hitter?

* Who is one player you fully expect to improve on his 2019 performance?

Now a couple of requests:

* Tell us the story about attending your first O's game

* Tell us the story of attending your favorite O's game

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