Davey excited to see both Nationals and Orioles play so well

It is the rarest of moments in the baseball lore for the D.C. and Maryland surrounding areas to have the Orioles and the Nationals both in first place at the same time. It is happening right now. Manager Davey Johnson, who used to be a player and manager for the Orioles, has noticed how well the team to the north has done this season and is excited for both clubs. "I think it is great," Johnson said. "I grew up in this area. I grew up an Oriole fan, seeing them playing like I always think the Orioles should play is great. (It is) great that the team the Orioles used to whip up on over here is playing good. I think it is great for the area." Johnson said he does check in on how the Orioles are doing at the end of every night and is impressed with the youth infusion on his former club. "They got some really good looking young players," Johnson said. "(Manny) Machado, the third baseman, really looks good. It kind of reminds me of when I was a shortstop. My first experience in the big leagues was at third and how much I hated it. But he seems to be taking to it pretty good. It is fun watching." And as a baseball fan, he knows how important the next few games are for Baltimore, too. "I am really going to be interested starting tomorrow, going head-to-head with the Yankees," Johnson said. "I would like to watch that game (laughs). I may have to TiVo it." Johnson was also asked if he sees any of legendary Orioles manager Earl Weaver in current Orioles skipper Buck Showalter. "Maybe when he argues," Johnson joked. "(Buck) is not down in the runway smoking. He doesn't seem like he is yelling at some rookie to swing the bat. He looks like he handles the pitching staff pretty good. I am sure he is probably a better golfer than Weaver (chuckles).

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